هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.


ترحب إدارة المنتدى بكافة المقترحات التي يتقدم بها الأعضاء من أجل تطوير و تحسين المنتدى .. و نعدكم بعمل المستطاع لتلبية مقترحاتكم، مع فائق الشكر و التقدير ... إدارة المنتدى
لقد تم مؤخرا ًنشر كتاب (فلك الشيطان) و الذي ألفه زميلنا من الدفعه الكاتب / مجلي الجرباني و الكتاب متواجد في مكتبات خالد ابن الوليد في التحرير و الدائري
للراغبين في وضع أخبار جديده للدفعه إرسال رسالة إلى بسام المردحي المتواجد في المنتدى و شكراً.... إدارة المنتدى

أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم, أنت لم تقم بتسجيل الدخول بعد! يشرفنا أن تقوم بالدخول أو التسجيل إذا رغبت بالمشاركة في المنتدى

V for Vendetta Movie

6 مشترك

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

1V for Vendetta Movie Empty V for Vendetta Movie 12/7/2008, 1:18 am



V for Vendetta Movie Vforvendettamov
V for Vendetta
V for Vendetta is a 2006 action-thriller directed by James McTeigue and produced by Joel Silver and the Wachowski brothers, who also wrote the screenplay. The film is an adaptation of the graphic novel V for Vendetta by Alan Moore and David Lloyd. Set in London, England in a near-future dystopian society, the film follows the mysterious V, a freedom fighter seeking to effect sociopolitical change while simultaneously pursuing his own violent personal vendetta. The film stars Natalie Portman as Evey Hammond, Hugo Weaving as V, Stephen Rea as Inspector Finch and John Hurt as Chancellor Sutler.
The film was originally scheduled for release by Warner Bros. Friday, November 4, 2005 (a day before the 400th Guy Fawkes Night), but was delayed; it opened on March 17, 2006. Alan Moore, facing his disappointment in both From Hell and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, refused to view the film and subsequently distanced himself from it. The filmmakers removed many of the anarchist themes and drug references present in the original story and also altered the political message to what they believed would be more relevant to a 2006 audience.
In the near future, Britain has become a totalitarian republic, ruled by the Norsefire party. Evey Hammond, a young woman, is rescued from harassment by state police by a masked vigilante who introduces himself as "V". V then takes Evey to a rooftop location to witness his spectacular destruction of the Old Bailey, accompanied by Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture. The regime explains the incident to the public as a planned demolition, but this is shown to be a lie when V takes over the state-run British Television Network (BTN) the same day. He broadcasts a message urging the people of Britain to rise up against the oppressive government on November 5 (Guy Fawkes Night); one year from that day, when V says he will destroy the Houses of Parliament.

V for Vendetta Movie Vforvendettapubh
Evey, who works at the BTN, helps V to escape, but in doing so, puts herself in danger. V saves Evey by bringing her to his lair, where she is told that she must stay in hiding with him for a year. She reluctantly stays for some time, but upon learning that V is killing government officials, she escapes to the home of one of her superiors, Gordon Deitrich, who is also a good friend (and, unlike in the comic, a homosexual who has hidden his true nature for fear of being arrested). However, the state police raid Gordon's home shortly afterwards in response to Gordon satirizing the High Chancellor in his talk show. Evey is captured as she tries to escape. She is incarcerated and tortured for days, including having her head shaved, finding solace only in notes left by another prisoner, Valerie. Evey is eventually told that she will be executed unless she reveals V's whereabouts. An exhausted Evey says she would rather die, and, surprisingly, is then released. V then reveals himself to have been her captor. Though at first angry against him for this torture, Evey comes to realize that having faced her own death, she can now live without fear. She leaves V, promising to return before November 5.
Meanwhile, Chief Inspector Finch, while investigating V's activities, learns how Norsefire came to power, and about V’s origins. Twenty years previously, Britain had suffered from war and terrorism due to their assistance in the War on Terror. The socially-conservative and openly fascist Norsefire party led a reactionary purge to restore order; so-called enemies of the state disappeared during the night. The country was deeply divided over these events until a bioterrorist attack occurred, killing about 100,000 people (80,000 to be exact according to an article Finch is seen reading on his office computer). A pharmaceutical company owned by Norsefire soon discovered a cure to the virus, netting them vast wealth from its distribution. This wealth, combined with the fear generated by the attack, allowed Norsefire to silence all opposition and win the next election by a landslide. With the silent consent of the people, Norsefire turned Britain into a bigoted totalitarian police state, with their leader Adam Sutler as High Chancellor.
However, the attack had actually been engineered by Norsefire as a plot to gain power. The virus - along with its cure - had been engineered through human experimentation on "social deviants" and political dissidents at Larkhill detention centre. Among them was the man who would become V. Although all the other test subjects died from the experiments, he gained heightened mental and physical abilities at the cost of significant physical and mental disfigurement. These abilities enabled V to destroy the centre and escape, vowing to take revenge on Norsefire's regime.
From this revelation, the inspector predicts the chain of coming events. Narrated by him, he explains the brilliance of V's plan. His manipulation, hidden agenda, and finally the shipping out hundreds of thousands of Guy Fawkes masks and cloaks to homes throughout Britain. The sheer number of these masks means anyone wearing one is effectively unidentifiable despite constant video surveillance, enabling people to act anonymously for the first time since Norsefire came to power. One man wears his mask while committing a crime, robbing a store and yelling "Anarchy in the U.K." as he departs; a reference to the Sex Pistols song as well as to the V of the comic book who thought himself more of an anarchist than a freedom fighter. A young girl wears her mask while committing peaceful protest, spray-painting V's symbol over suitable targets such as Norsefire posters, and is eventually shot by one of the secret police. The shooter is then lynched by angry citizens regardless of his badge and gun; a catalyst for further rebellion.
As November the fifth nears, V's various schemes cause chaos in Britain and the population grows more and more intolerant and subversive towards government authority. On the eve of November 5, Evey again visits V, who shows her a subway train that he has filled with explosives in order to destroy Parliament through an explosion in the abandoned London Underground. He delegates the destruction of Parliament to Evey, believing that the ultimate decision was not his to make, but hers. He then leaves to meet Party leader Creedy, who, as part of an earlier agreement, has agreed to bring V the Chancellor in exchange for V's surrender. Creedy kills the Chancellor in front of V, but V does not surrender. He takes a barrage of bullets from a dozen men, and remains standing thanks to a hidden armour plate he is wearing and his super human strength gained from the experiment. He then proceeds to kill Creedy's men before they can reload, then strangles Creedy himself despite being shot six more times - just as he promised. V, mortally wounded in the fight, returns to Evey. He confesses his love to her, thanks her, and then dies. Evey then places his body upon the train with the explosives (in the graphic novel he asked on his deathbed to be placed in the train, as he wanted a Viking funeral, but no mention of this request is made in the film).
Evey is about to send the train down the track, when she is discovered by Inspector Finch. However, Finch, having learned much about the corruption of the Norsefire regime, allows Evey to proceed. Meanwhile, thousands of Londoners, all wearing Guy Fawkes masks, march on Parliament to watch the event. Because Creedy and the Chancellor are dead, the military stands down in the face of a civil rebellion. Parliament is destroyed by the explosion. On a nearby rooftop Evey and Finch watch the scene together, and Finch asks who V was. Evey answers by saying that he is all the people of Britain (The camera shows the crowd again as they remove their Guy Fawkes masks and reveal characters from the film, including deceased characters such as the young girl, Gordon, Valerie and Ruth).

2V for Vendetta Movie Empty رد: V for Vendetta Movie 12/7/2008, 3:25 am



والله شوقتني اشوف الفيلم

3V for Vendetta Movie Empty رد: V for Vendetta Movie 13/7/2008, 2:05 am



أقول أخوي ميكادو ....أول شي مشكور لانك قرأت الموضوع .. و شاكر لك إهتمامك في قراءة موضوع مثل هذا

واللي ودي أقوله هني أخوي ... إنه هالفيلم هو من أروع الأفلام الهادفة التي شاهدتها في حياتي ... و مو معنى إنه إذا كان الفيلم هادف إنه ما راح يكون فيه تشويق و إثاره و حبكة قصصية رائعة تجمع ما بين المتعة و إخبار الناس بشيء قد يكون مهما بالنسبة إليهم و لكنهم يتغافلون عنه ربما لخوف في نفوسهم أو محاولة منهم تجاهل أهميته .. و هذا بالضبط ما نقصده بالفيلم الهادف و أتمنى إنه باقي الشباب يكونوا زيك فاهمين لهذا الموضوع

طبعا هذا الفيلم هو من الأفلام المعادية لأساليب القمع و التغطرس التي تقوم بها بعض الحكومات ضد رعاياها .. و طبعا تم سحب كافة النسخ من الأسواق بعد عرضه في دور السينما بأسبوعين لشدة حساسية الموضوع الذي يطرقه .. و لا أنكر أنني كنت قد أعطيت هذا الفيلم للدكتور راكيش لكي يشاهده و ذلك بعد أن درسنا قصيدة لندن و لكن مع الأسف أنه لم يشاهده و حجته في ذلك أنه لا يهتم بالتلفاز أو الكمبيوتر أو غيره ... و لكنني بصراحة أكاد أن أعتبر هذا الفيلم كمسرحية رائعة تكاد تضاهي في روعتها مسرحيات كرستوفر مارلوا

لا أطيل عليك و لكن أود إخبارك بأن الفيلم رائع و من شدة روعته ربما أكون قد حفظت أجزاء منه

يبدأ الفيلم بأسطر شعرية تقول

Remember .. Remember
The fifth of November
The gun powder Treason
And plot
I Know, If no reason
Why the gun powder treason
Should ever be forgot

و على فكره .. الفيلم هذا صار منتشر الآن .. لأنه كان قد تسرب إلى جاكرتا و ما راح جاكرتا إعرف إنه بينشر في العالم بأكمله و بأمكانك شراء هالفيلم و مشاهدته ... و طبعا بما إنك كاتب قصصي فأنا واثق تمام الثقه أن القصة و حبكتها و أسلوبها و هدفها سوف يستحوذون على إعجابك

4V for Vendetta Movie Empty رد: V for Vendetta Movie 18/7/2008, 4:39 am



فعلا الفيلم اكثرمن راااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااائع

5V for Vendetta Movie Empty رد: V for Vendetta Movie 4/8/2008, 5:51 pm



شوقتوني اشوفه رغم اني ما احب افلام الاكشن

6V for Vendetta Movie Empty رد: V for Vendetta Movie 5/8/2008, 2:33 am



(H)al-sofy كتب:
شوقتوني اشوفه رغم اني ما احب افلام الاكشن

و أخيرا يا حميدة عبرتينا .... على العموم أنا سعيد جدا بمرورك

و يا حميدة... أنا كمان ما أحب الأفلام الأكشن

بس هذا الفيلم غير ... ترى والله يوم جابو لي هالفيلم من جاكرتا

خليته آخر فيلم لأني كنت أظنه أكشن .. أو رعب .. من صورة الغلاف

لكن جاء يومه ... ما كان عندي أي شي جديد أشوفه قمت تفرجته

و بعد ما تفرجته أيقنت إنه هالفيلم ما هو أكشن و لا هو رعب

فعلا هو من أروع إذا لم يكن أروع الأفلام التي شاهدتها في حياتي

والله يا حميدة إني أتمنى إنك تتفرجي على هالفيلم و بعدين قولي لي رايك فيه

و عشان تفهمي القصة سوى و أعرفك ما شاء الله عليك في تحليل الأحداث ذكية و نابغة

يعني عشان تقدري تحللي الأحداث سوى أتمنى إنك تتفرجي على الفيلم مرتين

و بعدين تعالي و قولي لي رايك

مشكورة على المرور أختي

و تراني سعيد جدا لأنك عبرتي هالقسم

7V for Vendetta Movie Empty رد: V for Vendetta Movie 6/8/2008, 3:42 pm



Form reading the plot I can see that it's an excited movie, and by the way I've seen parts of this movie on TV, I remembered the shaved head girl and the mask. Anyway thanx Bassam to tell us about such a movie and inshalla I'll watch coz I really like it.

8V for Vendetta Movie Empty رد: V for Vendetta Movie 10/8/2008, 2:14 am



rury كتب:Form reading the plot I can see that it's an excited movie, and by the way I've seen parts of this movie on TV, I remembered the shaved head girl and the mask. Anyway thanx Bassam to tell us about such a movie and inshalla I'll watch coz I really like it.

I'm soooo glad Rury because u read this.... Look ... actually I admired this movie so much

firstly.... It tells the truth that we live
secondly .... It talks in front of the bad people who curropted the world
Thirdly .... It stands beside the truth that says ... islam is peace... and the people who do such things against some governments .. they do that because they suffer from the lack of freedom ... from racisim ... from being depressed in their souls ... and that's why they revolute... Look I know u would say that it's craziness to say such thing here... but watch the movie and try to unerstand it and u are going to learn what freedom and courage really mean

thank u and i wish u watch the movie and then tell me ur opinion about it

I'm waiting

9V for Vendetta Movie Empty رد: V for Vendetta Movie 16/8/2008, 6:01 pm



انشالله بشوفه
و بعلمك اش صار

10V for Vendetta Movie Empty رد: V for Vendetta Movie 18/8/2008, 11:57 pm



شكرا اخوي بسام عالمجهود

يعطيك العافيه

11V for Vendetta Movie Empty رد: V for Vendetta Movie 2/10/2008, 2:57 am

Age Night

Age Night

و أخيرا زد حصلت مشاركة منك يا مستر بسام

وين أنت ما بتدخل المنتدى ... سبرته لنا و رحت لك أو مه

المفروض تكون أنت أكثر واحد بيشارك مش أقل واحد

ما معك إلا هذه المشاركه اليتيمه

المهم و الله شوقتني ردود الخبره على هذا الفلم

و أوعدك وعد إننا عدا ادوره و ما يجي يومين إلا و قد أبسرته

و عدا أقلك هو حالي أو مع

ليل العمر

12V for Vendetta Movie Empty رد: V for Vendetta Movie 6/10/2008, 4:07 am

Age Night

Age Night


رجعت و انت ما حتى قد رديت على ردي الأول

المهم .... تشتي الصدق و الا ابن عمه

انا عدا اقلك الصدق يا بسام

أول ما بديت ابسر هذا الفلم تعجبت شويه يعني ما كان افهم أيشو المقصود

و زد جنن بي هذاك الذي تحاكى كلهن بالــ في ... زد اطست

و رجع عدته من بدايته و نفس الهدار ... جلست اتفرجه للنهاية ... و تشتي الصدق

بدأت اتأثر قوي و خصوصا بعد ما بديو يحكو قصة إيفي و قصة في و اندمجت

و زد تعجبت حين تحاكوا على القرآن ... واو .. صدقك و الله إنهو أحسن فلم شفته


و الروعه أقل ما توصفه

والله إن قد تفرجته يجي ثلاث مرات ... و كله علشان أتأكد من كلامك

رائع ... و تقوم بالسلامه يا نوم

13V for Vendetta Movie Empty رد: V for Vendetta Movie 26/11/2008, 3:58 pm

Soul Of Love

Soul Of Love

for those mistaken this movie as an action movie, I would like to say to them that I have seen this movie more than 14 times and in every time I see it , I end up with a different feeling. I see it as tragic story some of the time and sometimes I visulaize as realistc story with out any artificial action scenes. In other words, this movie is always new in every time you play it.
guys you must see thos movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14V for Vendetta Movie Empty رد: V for Vendetta Movie 27/11/2008, 1:18 am



I am so happy with this pass Omar ...... It's the truth that this movie is always new in every time you
play it ...... I wish that all the people who read this post go and watch it
it's tragic .... it's political ... it's great .... It's no words can describ ....

Thank You So Much Brother For This Pass

Who are you??
who .... is but the form .. following the function of what
and what I'm is a man in a mask......
Oh ... I can see that
of course you can ,.... I am not asking you powers of observation
but I merely remark the paradox of asking a masked man who he is

voalla .... in veiw a humble vodivilian vateren .. cast vaceriously as both victim and vilen by the fessitutes of fate,,, this visage no mere vanere of vanity is a vistage of vox pupli now vacant and vanished ... however this valirous visitation of a bygone vixation has vowed to vicuish those ....etc

REMEMBER THIS Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink

15V for Vendetta Movie Empty رد: V for Vendetta Movie 1/12/2008, 12:49 am

Soul Of Love

Soul Of Love

oh bro.
I'v got something too
V: " do you know what day is Evey?
Evey: " November the fourth!!!!
bell of the old Belly rings
V: " Not Any more !!!!!!,,,,
" Remember, Remember
The fifth of November
The gun powder Treason
And plot
I Know, If no reason
Why the gun powder treason
Should ever be forgot"
complete this conversation after you tell me somthings
1- what is the name of the movie that V shared with Evey?
2- what is the name of the main character in that movie, and what kind of imact do you think this character has made on V?
if you get it ,,,,, share it with us ?
Yeeeehhhhha ******************
so long

16V for Vendetta Movie Empty رد: V for Vendetta Movie 3/12/2008, 2:00 am



you've forgetten
V: this is the greatest stage that can ever be
Evey: I don't see any instruments
V: Your power of observation continues to serve you well

I think the name is (Victim)
the main character is (the Truth) and its impact was so clear on V cuz he wanted to reveal this truth
so short
thank you brother

17V for Vendetta Movie Empty رد: V for Vendetta Movie 4/12/2008, 11:11 pm

Soul Of Love

Soul Of Love

oh my dear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know such thing!!!
I asked you about the scene when V and Evey sat together and watched a movie .........
so what is the name of the hero in that movie and what kind of impact do you think that V has gain from such Character???????????????????

clown V clown

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